Sunday, May 2, 2010

A sprinkley morning here

Morning I am setting here listening to the birds as it lightly rains outside and of course sipping my coffee!

All those projects we wanted to work on yesterday went out the window and we hit the road instead. Managed to attend the opening of 3 different local farmers markets. Stopped by the Grand Opening of the Hydroponic store we frequent. Finally we snuck over to the west side of the state and dropped in on my glassy buddy Ellen who was having her Spring Open House! I just love suprises and it was great seeing Ellen and her beautiful beads. A few of her friends bring their artistic work and they all set up for the day and it was a very very nice presentation!

Today we are hanging my microwave over the stove and I am gaining some counter space! YES!! Working on the lighting for the LSB and finishing up hubbies worm composter. Yah we are getting into vermicomposting. I am getting use to the idea and it will alleviate a lot of the problems with all our kitchen waste. Between fruit skins and vegetable stalks we have way to much green stuff for our regular composter. You are suppose to balance the green with the brown to get the best effect in one of those. But, worms will eat their weight in goodies in one day. We actually weighed our kitchen waste and we are at about 3-5 lbs a day. I'll keep you apprised of this new thing we are getting into. The plus here is black gold worm castings for the garden, worms for the fish and of course to go fishing with!!

So time to get moving on today. I hope we get to make connections and see our DD and her family that have returned from Colorado. PLD and I need to transplant his seeds into the aquaponics garden! So he can watch them grow.

Have a great day everyone!



  1. Your visit was the best surprise I've had in a very long time, Dill. Yea, us!

  2. Thanks sweetie....we got to get together more often!! I have a bead in the kiln that's on my house key...we will see...I am keeping my fingers crossed.
