Monday, May 17, 2010

Monday morning where did the weekend go?

Wow I haven't been on here since Thursday???? You can tell we finally got some decent weather because I was so busy working outside and doing the errand/shopping/gardneing thing I did not stop in here to update my Blog! I need to pay better attention in the future.

First of all Yes Heather it is the middle of the frigging night! it's now 6:10 a.m but I have been awake since 3:30 and tried to go back to sleep but finally got up around 4:30. Laying there tossing and turning is such a waste of time and I finally just gave up! Now at least the kitchen and my computer work space are clean and the coffee is made!

I did manage to work on the front yard yesterday for the third day and finally I am seeing some changes. Lot's more work there but the difference in the end will be worth it!

We did manage to spend some time with Heather and PLD....he is such a cutie and he helped (throwing stones and rearranging pea stone) Grandma with her landscaping! Papa managed to give him a wheelborrow ride with a smile of glee on his face and MOH...MOH chanted!

Today I hope to work some more on the yard before the possible rain they are calling for. I also need to move the tomatoes out of the LSB....what I thought were minature sweet tomatoes are huge butt kicking tomatos. They sure won't fit in there! I'll have to replace them with something but...I'll need to think on that one! to restart my day huggies all around for everyone!

1 comment:

  1. A butt-kicking tomato will certainly be great when it comes to making the first BLT.
