Saturday, January 1, 2011

A New Start to a New Year Happy 2011 Everyone!

I am going to give this another try. It's been really hard to keep this going near the end of the year! Sorry....but life gets in the way. Between getting ready for Christmas, keeping up the work pace, trying to keep up the bead pace, and all the other little things like writing Todd, trying to figure out how to make it to his Graduation. I just failed miserably at keeping this Blog going!

So a New Year, a fresh start and new adventures for me this year. I have so many wonderful things going on I need to slow down and enjoy each and everyone of them. First of all I am going to be a Grandma again. DD, Shannon told me I couldn't put it on Face Book, but she didn't say I couldn't put it on my Blog. August 15th, another little person will take a piece of my heart!! I am so excited and so thrilled that this gift of love has been given to Shannon & Shawn. They have been through so much, it has been an emotional been a roller coaster ride. Blessings to them and to my wonderful Sis who helped make this happen!!

Another wonderful thing is that between bead sales, gift cards for Amtrak from my daughters, $$ gift from my son and DIL I am going to Todd's Marine Graduation! That was a tearful wonderful present! I am going to travel across the United States with Heather & Xavier on the train! We will end up in LA and then drive down to San Diego, what a beautiful drive that will be! Then we are meeting up with my DIL Erin, Shannon, my sister-in-law Elaine, my sister and Brother-in-law Michelle & Glenn! Family day is February 10th with graduation on the 11th! I am so thrilled to have this adventure and see my boy again, plus share it with the people I love! Elaine will be joining us on our return train trip and make it the more the merrier!

Another wonderful thing that has started this New Year off with a bang is my beads are back and I am enjoying the ability to make them again! My thumb is finally 95% pain free, I still have a loss of movement but I have learned to deal with it! I am trying some new stuff and working on improving the old stuff! I am geeked to see what I can come up with!

I am blessed to have my health, my creative juices, my wonderful family, and to be surrounded by friends near and far. What a great start for a New Year!

Oh and my baby boy Dozer is now not quite 7 months old and two weeks ago 83 lbs. He is growing, growing, growing. Kylee is in for a big surprise when he ends up bigger than her! LOL

I wish you all a wonderful blessed New Year!

1 comment:

  1. All good things coming your way - why? because you deserve them!!!
