Saturday, October 15, 2011

Relaxing this morning!

I woke up around 4:30 am this morning, couldn't get back to sleep. Around 5:00 am Dozer decided he wanted to hop into bed and join us. Yah, I didn't get back to sleep so got my robe on, grabbed my current read, and came down stairs. After I got my nest comfy (chair, reading light, blankie, etc) I read for a while. Then made coffee and put a batch of banana nut muffins in the oven.

We have been making beads regularly and listing them on Ebay! They have been recieved well and the extra fund is building nicely. I guess after nearly 9 years every once in a while I need a break. What is wonderful that even after 9 years once at the torch I am sucked in by the flame!! There isn't many crafts that I can say that about! Randy take a few minutes every once in a while to turn out his beautiful little spacers! I am so glad he has the patienc for those!!

Yesterday I was lucky enough to ride with our two daughters, one SIL, and my to grandson's down to IKEA near Detroit and wander around and enjoy all the goodies. I was inspired, picked up a few little goodies, and got lot's of ideas! I found some yummy shelves that I would just frigging love to put in our office!! Six foot wide and 6' tall with what looked to be 18" cubes for books and goodies! I will be looking for that for sure!!

So working on the house this weekend, making and listing beads, cleaning and just enjoying the days is on my schedule!! Enjoy your weekend!!


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