Monday, April 19, 2010

So whats on your schedule this week?

To be honest, we really don't live by schedules around here! I guess that's cool to some people, frustrating to others. I am somewhere between the two on that subject. We worked hard yesterday trying to finish up our Aquaponics project. Unfortunately not everything cooperated. So maybe by the end of the week we will see water in it.

Now that it is mostly encased for that upstairs look, I think I will call it my "Salad Bar". Which of course it will be, but it reminds me of one too. It will even resemble it even more when we attach a hood to hang our LED grow lights on top. We have decided to go with the $$$ LED lights. Not because the leave a small heat footprint so Helicopters can't pick them up with their heat sensors and send the DEA in to check us out. Yup, that's one of the big selling points!! LOL But, because the unit will be upstairs where I would prefer not to increase the heat this summer with some big ass grow light spilling an extra 10 to 20 degrees into the main part of the house. If the DEA breaks down the door expecting to find Mary Jane at our house they are in for a big suprise when I shove a big Ass tomato in their mouth!! You think they will cart me off for that? Oh well, life is an adventure just waiting to happen.

Kylee is doing much better, got through that not eating and acting weird, chewing grass spitting up thing. She was hauling behind yesterday zooming as I mentioned and here's a photo that I promised. Man I wish I had her energy! She is running with her big old plastic bat. Everytime PLD sees one of these bats, it's point and "DAWG" to his Mom. He knows that Kylee needs one to play with!

I should get this day started. I am making organic pancakes, turkey breakfast sausage and I sprung for the real, from the tree, natural with no additives maple syrup. I should probably hop on up to Vermontville, MI next weekend and pick up a bottle of Maple Syrup at their annual spring Syrup Festival!

Have a great day and Huggies all around for everyone!

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