Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A quick flyby for Wednesday!

Hello Cyber World....I got caught up in a visit from our grandson, and daughter. I was just about to post on here when some little cutie snuck up behind me!

Now that I have spent my time, shooting nerf guns, pushing trains around, vrooming with micro machines, spreading lotion all over my body (keep it clean here!!!), and sharing nanaaas, my time is at a premium. You do have to take advantage of these things he will grow so fast.

I am waiting for someone to get back in touch with us for a Craigs List item. Keep your fingers crossed, its a greenhouse we would have to disassemble and move to our house. But it would save us about $900 and what a cool thing to have.

Nothing much new other than that. We are hanging around the house today trying to get a few things done.

For those of you who have asked how to comment on my blog and have had problems it is through google. I don't know if you need a google email, or what. I had an address with them so I never had a problem. I will check into it!

Huggies all around for everyone!

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