Tuesday, October 11, 2011

A Beautiful Tuesday in October!

Well I am back as promised! Right now I am waiting to hear how Shannon's second wrist surgery went. She is getting both her wrist (Carpal Tunnel) done during her maternity leave. Of course the surgeon she works with is a hand specialist and is doing the surgery on both of them. I am sure all is well!

This past weekend we spent at the Pottawotamie Recreation Area with both our daughters and their families! It was great!!!! Hubby is looking at the photo album as I type and said "I suppose we should make this at least a yearly thing???" Yup, and my wish is that someday Todd & Erin can come and join us!!! That would be pefect!

While we were at the campsite the entire place celebrated Halloween with decorations, parades, candy, hayrides, the entire shebang. My sister, Michelle. came down and all our little trick-or-treaters were dressed as bananas! A great time was had by all!

Hubby and I are working on a new way of eating. Almost 2 years ago we went Organic and I would say we were at around 80%. There are still things you just can't get organic. We still do that as much as possible. Recently we entroduced a bigger percentage of fruits and vegetables into our diet. I can't tell you how many pounds of blueberries I have frozen!!!

A month ago we watched the movie "Forks over Knives". It was a big eye opener and with much discussion, some trips through the grocery stores and eating up of things in the freezer we started a new path. We are eating a "Whole Food ~ Plant Based" diet. What that means is no meat, dairy products, eggs, or oils. After reading a couple of books on this style of eating. We are following the Engine #2 diet written by Rip Esselstyn. This diet follows the regiment of the Forks over Knives that his dad, Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, and Dr. Colin Campbell came up with after decades of research. Yes, it is pretty much vegan, but actually more food stringent, without the political garbage! When I told Todd what we were doing he said "OMG Mom don't frigging turn into a Vegan they are all nuts!!!! So we won't use the "V" word. We choose to do ths for health reasons, not animal rights reasons. I don't condone any harm to animals, but you won't see me throwing myself between the farmer and the chicken!

So you ask what do we eat well this morning it was Shredded wheat, with blueberries, bananas, sliced almonds, soy milk and honey, with a huge glass of tomato juice (not concentrated). YUMMMY! I won't tell you that a big juicy hamburg doesn't smell and look scrumptious, but I look at what is left in the pan and know that is what is coating our blood vessels and I can live with out it for now!! LOL

So off and running today, I think we will be doing the Lansing area and stopping in and checking on Shannon on our way back! You all enjoy this beautiful day, it's going to bevfall weather again soon!


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