Saturday, June 5, 2010

Assistant Fish Wrangler signing in!

We moved the little tilapia today. All 34 mostly caught in the net one at a time. I think I did one double catch and Randy might have done two, but it was a slow process. Those are quick little buggers! We lost a few so that is what prompted the moving them on up to a larger tank. We knew getting into this whole Aquaponics thing we would kill us some fish, even before we did it for food. So now the little fishies, which have doubled in size already are swimming in their 20 gallon bottle-ponic unit! I hope they like their new home.

I stopped at the pet store when we made a trip to Charlotte this morning. I picked up some cuttlebones to mess with and try my hand at casting pewter again. I did this almost 20 years ago when we lived in Port Huron. I actually took a class at the local community college and I have a entire ingot plus more pewter that I have moved several times. Yes Randy there is a reason I keep hauling all this crap all over! LOL

Right now we have severe thunderstorm warnings out with 1" of rain in an hour being forecast. So time to batten down the hatches and make like a duck! The only thing we have to worry about is water making its way into the studio. We are probably 100 +++ feet above the Kalamazoo and BC rivers, so no worry for us on that count!

While we were at the pet store we picked up some goodies for Miss Kylee who will celebrate her 2nd/14th birthday tomorrow. Either way she is either in the terrible twos or a teenager so we are in for a wild ride with her! LOL

So off to move the lawn furniture around and help hubby mow the yard. He mows and I move the stuff I have in the yard so he doesn't piss and moan too much!

Big Huggies all around to everyone!

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