Friday, May 7, 2010

It has been a busy kind of week. I can slow down today because it's raining outside. So I guess you know where I have been working. All the flower beds are cleaned out and ready for the growing season. Pee-Boy still needs his fountain pond cleaned out. I am trying to figure out how to do that without actually touching the icky stuff in there! LOL Yesterday I started removing sod from this years landscaping project....the front yard. I having been working on the design in my head for a couple of years...but now it's time to start the amazing transformation! LOL At least I hope so!! Here is what it looked like last fall! I even have a photo somewhere of what it looked like when we moved in! UCK

Miss Kylee had a suprise visitor yesterday. A white male poodle wandered in under the fence and after a little barking they played for over a half an hour! We were dumb struck after the way she goes crazy each time she sees a dog outside the house or car! Here is a dog invading her yard and she wants to play! Go least it gives me hope that if I ever want to introduce another small dog to our family there is a possibility if the little one isn't scared spitless of big Kylee! Obviously this little guy had a lot of guts and a goal in mind. No she isn't in heat and he would have needed a big step ladder!

I did manage to make some beads the other day and they turned out quite well. I am still playing and that makes setting down to the torch very enjoyable!

OK....time to get in gear around here. Not sure whats on our dance card today...but I think we will be hitting the road later! Have a great day and huggies all around for everyone!


1 comment:

  1. Lovely beads, Dill. I would have loved to see Kylee playing with the poodle. The first dog that Augie met after we adopted him was a Dane. We were still at the place where we got him and were buying stuff to take home. Wish I'd taken a picture. Nose to nose.
